content tagged with "rhythmic"

thumbnail screenshot(re)sonate by:alan peacock
(re)sonate are a set of several dadaist voice poems based on Kurt Schwitters poems (and drawing on Ursonate for the title) these pieces have two modes a randomised generator ... +
thumbnail screenshotAmorphoscapes Series II 2003 - 2004 by:stanza
New audio visual experiments online and for touch screen. A whole range of works with generative sounds and images that move and morph around the screen. One series doesn't ... +
thumbnail screenshotBroadcasting Simulator by:yoshi sodeoka
Broadcasting simulator model 000201 with seven channels.
thumbnail screenshotCubop v1 by:rechord
Audiovisual composition instrument that provides an easily accessible, alternative way to participate with music and visual arrangement via the creation and on the fly editing ... +
thumbnail screenshotGenerator by:stanza
1999 - 2000 An environment with sounds that can be selected that allow images to be altered. Cellular automata. The cells generate and move when the user makes them. A choice ... +
thumbnail screenshotISJS by:pall thayer
ISJS is my most recent effort at creating abstract visual art that borrows from the aesthetic qualities of music. I think that the majority of the general public finds it much ... +
thumbnail screenshotMacronaut by:toxi
Twelve handcrafted lingo scripts transforming the subspace harmonics of the macronaut soundtrack. they mix up audio energy fields with random parameters and expand your screen ... +
thumbnail screenshotMu by:chun lee
Mu is a simple rhythmic performance tool I created in Max/msp. It started out as a exercise in which I attempted to create a synthesized piece from scratch without using any ... +
thumbnail screenshotNanoensembles by:antoine schmitt
A new series of pieces for the internet: Little broken musical mechanical automatas, which evolve endlessly and autonomously. In-between the individual presence of the objects ... +
thumbnail screenshotNumbers by:stanza
numbers by stanza 2001. One of the new online digital labyrinths. Interactive audio visual digital paintings and drawings for the internet. Journeys and experiments in audio ... +
thumbnail screenshotPet 00 by:simon yuill
PET_00 allows the user to create new compositions from a set of samples created by the composer Laura Baxter. These samples are each small micro-compositions in their own right ... +
thumbnail screenshotRepercussion by:carla diana is a collection of virtual instruments designed for live performance and online user exploration. Rhythms and musical phrases can be dynamically composed and ... +
thumbnail screenshotRude little song by:barry smylie
It is a setting for Jim's music and my graphic work. This is a picture illustrated song in shockwave.
thumbnail screenshotSibling Revelry by:peter traub
A net sampling sound toy by Peter @ Greg Traub.After months of collaboration by the brothers Traub (Greg and Peter), 'sibling revelry' is ready for your ears. Simply type in a ... +
thumbnail screenshotTerranium by:carla diana
Terranium is an audiovisual environment that allows the user to explore a virtual world on 3-different levels: sub-terranian, ground-level and stellar. In each section, ... +
thumbnail screenshotUeda by:u sun
The work actualizes ideologies of emergent matter associated with biological data, intuitive behavioural pathways, aesthetics, counter-culture and mythical (fictitious) ... +
thumbnail screenshotWCM: Wind Chime Marimba by:robert wright
The aim of this work was to develop an infinite 'composition-engine' small enough in file size to be viable for use on the Internet of today, one that would produce evolving ... +
thumbnail screenshotWeaver by:andy huntington
A nice little shockwave drawing environment that andy says is about,"exploring simplicity, creating something that is engaging, not confusing and which might make people want ... +
thumbnail screenshotklocki v2 by:8rolek
sound-toy designed specially for "natarcie netartu" exhibition. "natarcie netartu" took place in june 2003 in national gallery of modern art "zacheta" in warsaw.
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