jess loseby : work
| about jess loseby

Throwaway media
throwaway media -A soundtoy created with discarded photographs, video and sound from my mobile phone. The work takes a playful look at the lost value of the moment-stories created as we document our lives through our domestic technology.
Interactive Flash Installation [sound/visual] - requires flash player, soundcard and speakers.
Jess Loseby March 05
collection:2005 |
date added:2005-03-31 | enter project

Pitched interaction/simple amusing interactions between vision and soundbits hit relation/simple amusing interactions between vision and sound
simple text to sound processing
sounds presented as bits in a field / attempt to embed the idea of sounds existence with their own behaviors
collection:2003 |
date added:2003-05-07 | enter project
jess loseby : about
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jess loseby : awards & exhibitions
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