jason freeman : work
| about jason freeman

MetaMix is a cross between a musical composition, a digital audio player, an interactive experience, a software tool, and a work of conceptual art. Feed MetaMix your favorite audio track and listen as familiar music is transformed into a new listening experience. MetaMix superimposes new musical structures onto existing music by turning special mathematical integer sequences into new musical forms. These musical forms are used to "remix" the audio track you choose. MetaMix is downloadable software art for Windows and Mac OS X. It requires Quicktime 6 or higher.collection:2003 |
date added:2003-10-26 | enter project
jason freeman : about
Jason Freeman's works break down conventional barriers between composers, performers, and listeners, using cutting-edge technology and unconventional notation to turn audiences and musicians into compositional collaborators. His music has been performed by the American Composers Orchestra, Speculum Musicae, the So Percussion Group, the Nieuw Ensemble, Le Nouvel Ensemble Moderne, and Evan Ziporyn, and his interactive installations and software art have been exhibited at the Lincoln Center Festival, the Boston CyberArt Festival, and the Transmediale Festival and featured in the New York Times and on National Public Radio. N.A.G. (Network Auralization for Gnutella) (2003), a commission from Turbulence.org, was described by Billboard as an example of the webs mind-expanding possibilities. Freeman graduated summa cum laude from Yale University and is currently a doctoral candidate at Columbia University, where he also teaches computer music. He recently completed a year-long fellowship at Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany, where he worked with a team led by sound artist Max Neuhaus to create Auracle, a voice-controlled networked sound instrument.
jason freeman : awards & exhibitions
Awards from ASCAP, Transmediale, Yale University. Grants from Meet the Composer, the American Music Center, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Columbia University. Commissions from Maja Cerar, Bryngelson-Laughlin Duo, American Composers Orchestra, Speculum Musicae, New Radio and Performing Arts (Turbulence), So Percussion Group, Royaumount Voix Nouvelles. Exhibitions at NTT InterCommunication Center, Viper Festival, Donnaueschinger Musiktage, Boston CyberArts Festival, Transmediale Festival, and Lincoln Center Festival.