isabel saij : work
| about isabel saij

State Of Confusion
Ancient order unsettled state disorder deconstruction reconstruction room1, room2, ... roomx displacement of the structures new pattern new order ... ancient ordercollection:2003 |
date added:2003-05-06 | enter project

Safe And Sound
Safe and sound in a world full of danger, your possessions will be protected. 5 safes especially designed for you. Armoured, bomb and diseaseproof, patented, tested, and with guarantee label : your possessions will forever stay safe and sound! A true virtual survival kit.collection:2003 |
date added:2003-05-06 | enter project

The political/economical power tries to form/format people to their will.A necessity for a war; and now more than ever in our time of global communication. so resist, don't approve and don't be...APPROVED!collection:2003 |
date added:2003-05-06 | enter project
isabel saij : about
isabel saij french lives and works in Cologne (Germany) and Vienna (Austria) 1984 : dissertation in "visual art and science of art" pantheon sorbonne paris 1 until 1999 : solo and group exhibitions since 2000 : computer generated art : 2D &3D pictures, 2D & 3D animations, virtual reality, netart, experimental video/animation