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Vote Machine

Vote Machine is about the potential for vote manipulation when using computers to accumulate polling data. My work often appropriates computer game techniques, visual styles and sound to comment on our increasing reliance on computers.

Made in flash it downloads at about 800k
collection:2004 | date added:2004-08-25 | enter project
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Inter Galatic Audio Mixer

This work allows participants to navigate a 3D game space and interact with virtual objects and sound pieces. A rich variety of audio responses can be mixed dependent on the objects? spatial relationship to each other and to the users activator spaceship.

Why: This continues my interest in applying computer game practices toward making interactive artworks. I like to create the resources and script responsive networks to build dynamic pieces. In this case I am exploring a few of the parameters of 3D interactive technologies.

This was created using Directors 3D capabilities. Many of the sounds are generated by a Moog The Rogue, though there are some samples. 3D objects and textures were created by the artist, as was the Shockwave 3D scripting.
collection:2004 | date added:2004-09-08 | enter project

brian judy : about

Brian Judy is an artist and programmer working primarily with the personal computer. After spending several years labouring in the computer game industry he now survives on bridging art and entertainment through the site and develops web projects for both commercial and non-profit organizations.
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